
Create account

Step 1:Visit PME Regional Conference 2023 account creation page, PME Regional Conference 2023 account creation page

Step 2: Click on create new account

Step 3: The sign-up form will appear. Enter your username(Here you can also use an existing email address) and password.

Step 5: After choosing a username and password, enter a email. Type the email again to confirm. Enter your Firstname, Lastname, Affiliation, City/Town and Country

Step 6: At last click on Create my new account. (Left corner of the screen)

Step 7: On the next page Confirm Your Account. An email should have been sent to your address

Step 8: Open the email and click the link to confirm your email address.

Congratulations! your account has been created. From now onwards every time you sign in you just have to enter your username id and password.